Artist Spotlight October 2023: We The Commas

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It’s time to meet, We The Commas! We The Commas is a “Surf Alternative R&B” group from San Diego. They are a collection of various sounds and influences from the California coast, all wrapped into one. Composed of the brothers Lenny(Guitar/Vocals), Jordy (Drums/Vocals), and Cam(Guitar/Vocals). Oldest, middle, and youngest respectively. We The Commas took some time to talk about their new single “San Diego” and some of the ins and outs of performing live as a band.

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How and when did the band form?

“Growing up without cable, and having music as our main source of entertainment as kids, we always were huge fans of music before we ever started to play. We were also big fans of the video game garage band. Eventually this led us to asking our parents for real instruments, and we began taking lessons in 2008. After about a year of individual guitar and drum lessons through a program called ‘Rock University’, we formed a band. We’ve committed to playing music together ever since.”

Tell me more about the name “We the Commas.”

“We the commas is a band of three brothers from San Diego California. We get our band name from our last name, Comma. Our goal as a band is to create a sound that connects with people's emotions, with a message that relates to our most humanistic qualities.”

Tell me about your experience in the local San Diego music scene. How long have you been active in the DIY culture around here?

“The San Diego music scene is the best. As a young band many years ago, we came up playing small restaurants, wineries and bars. That propelled us into where we are now playing bigger venues. All along the way, we’ve seen how receptive the San Diego music fans are to our vibe. San Diego also breeds the best bands!”

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Who are some of your influences regarding the music you make?

“Young the Giant, Frank Ocean, The Fleet Foxes, and Caesar are all some of the artists/ bands that have influenced our sound.”

What's the best live show you have played? And/Or What's the worst live show you have played?

“Our sold out show at the Casbah in San Diego was our favorite show. The energy was amazing and it was special because it was in our hometown. Our worst show was at a smaller venue in Monaco when we were pretty young. It was one of our first gigs and it was just nerve racking being in such a new environment and also not having too much performing experience.”

Let’s talk about your newest single, “San Diego” that came out on August 25th of 2023. What was the recording process like?

“‘San Diego’ serves as a heartfelt reminder that a song can be more than just a love letter between individuals—it can be an ode to the communities that have shaped us, the places we call home. Our latest single is a sonic celebration of San Diego's beauty, culture, and the enduring love that will forever bind them to the city they hold dear. Whether you’re a San Diego native, or just passing through, it always feels like a vacation in SD. We recorded this song in our home studio in Carlsbad. It was essential to create this song at home.”

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Any advice for other people wanting to start a band?

“If you’re really passionate and genuinely love making music, you shouldn’t let anything hold you back. A journey as a band will have moments when you feel like you’re on top of the world and times things feel stagnant or tough. Ultimately, being in a band is one of the dopest things you could be a part of so anyone thinking about starting a band, we would encourage you to go for it! “

Any weird hobbies outside of music that you would like to talk about?

“Outside of music, We The Commas often enjoy going to the beach and surfing. We also like to visit the desert and ride dirt bikes. Aside from action sports, we also enjoy watching and yelling at the tv while Love Island is playing.”

What can fans of you guys expect from the future?

“So much more music to come. We actually have a new song about to come out called ‘Sun Kissed Afro’, and we will be Playing around San Diego! We just want to keep performing and making music for as long as possible!”

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To listen to “San Diego”, click below!




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