Artist on the Rise: Josh Earl

To most people, Disney's The Lion King is a beloved movie with loveable characters and a fantastic plot. However, to others, such as Josh Earl, it was a life-altering moment for them. When Josh heard "I just can't wait to be king," he knew he loved to sing. Josh was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, a city full of talent, and Josh is no exception. By middle school, he went from singing to playing the saxophone. This caused him to fall even deeper in love with music and pick up the bass guitar not long after. The rest is now history. He traveled from Las Vegas to Fullerton, to Corpus Christi, and finally to sunny San Diego.

Josh Earl taken by Unknown

 I had the honor of getting to know Josh and even listening to some of his music; he as a person, and his sound are amazing! He pulls inspiration for his music from his emotions and thoughts (aka keeping it real and raw). Some of his favorite musicians are John Mayer, Toole, and Perfect Circle. Josh has been compiling a stack of his songs over the past ten years and has decided to start sharing some of those songs with the world! When I asked him when we could expect to see a single or EP, he said he would put one out either this summer or fall. So if you love a smooth voice with raw truth, Josh is precisely for you! Catch him on his Instagram to find out where he will perform next.



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