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The Band Cope At Mountain Mike’s By Alora

I caught up with The Band COPE back in September to capture some new promotional shots for their (then) upcoming tour: Meat Quest. As I was getting my equipment together, Ellie Cope (Lead Vocalist/Guitar) texted me with the address to Mountain Mike’s Pizza in La mesa. What started out as a plan to capture a back alley game of meat baseball– turned into a post-little league pizza party themed shoot. 

COPE members (Bill, Ellie and Marc) packed the place with their team, tons of energy and plenty of pepperoni pizza. I’ll be honest, I had no idea how the shoot would turn out– but some of the best shots come from unpredictable circumstances. Working with the low fluorescent light I opted for shooting with direct lash to give a glamourous “caught in the act” vibe.

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