Album Review: There Are No Rival Clones Here by Blair Gun

Album art is done by @structurebatons on IG and Joedin graphics team

Originating from San Diego, alternative rock band Blair Gun released their new album “There Are No Rival Clones Here” on June 7th, 2024. This four-piece project is made up of Joedin Morelock as the vocalist and guitarist, Zach Cavor on guitar as well, Alyson Valdez on bass and background vocals, and Jake Richter pounding the drums. As for their latest release, here’s my comprehensive review of this captivating album:

#1 Blair’s theme

The album kicks off with Blair’s Theme, a fun, upbeat instrumental that sounds like it should be the intro to a sitcom from the 80s/90s, except much cooler. As the song progresses, the positive vibes get stronger and the instrumental becomes more energetic.

#2 Beat Happened

Next, Beat Happened starts off with a cool, edgy beginning, with an overall sound reminiscent of The White Stripes. The eccentric vocals and electric guitar coincide to create an overly catchy chorus. This song does not sound like it’s from a relatively new band emerging into the scene; it really sounds like the production of musicians who’ve been in the industry for many years.

#3 Bug House

Bug House continues the album, seeming to be a lot more rock-inspired, with some folky vibes mixed in, as the title would suggest. The vocals are a lot more rugged, which works beautifully in combination with the rock sound. The song exits with a funky instrumental solo, in typical Blair Gun fashion.

#4 Don’t Think

Starting with a chill, blues-inspired folk-punk intro, Don’t Think is the perfect song to listen to while you daydream of a better life away from your hometown. I’ve never been more convinced to hop on a runaway train, and they did it in the most melodic way possible.

photo taken by @zacharysorrels on IG

#5 Dead Set

Similar to the last track, Dead Set has a very dreamy, lost-in-a-haze kind of vibe. The song starts off lighthearted and calming and increasingly becomes more passionate and intense as the song continues.

#6 Bitter Men

With a very lively and energetic sound, Bitter Men is bound to get the crowd hyped. Once the intensity peaks towards the end of the song, I can already see the mosh pit escalating.

#7 Across the Water

Starting off with chill alternative-rock vibes, Across the Water is a six-minute track that uses its time frame to its advantage. Halfway through the song, it transitions into a very calming, lullaby-like sound, and then shortly thereafter picks up the intensity. I greatly appreciate Blair Gun’s duality to change the vibe entirely and seamlessly.

#8 The Thief

With a melodic chorus, The Thief’s melodic instrumental in combination with unique lyrics is bound to peak the interest of the listener. The drums really stand out in this track, complimenting the guitar perfectly.

Photo taken by @happymario_ on IG


Titled after a certain famous 70s rock band, ACDC is an energetic track with fast-paced vocals. The song ends with a powerful electric guitar solo, another instance where I can imagine the live audience going crazy.

#10 Up Down

Although I’m not sure the meaning of the lyrics, the subtle emotion portrayed in the vocals shows true passion. Overall, this song is very catchy, melodic, and flows nicely as one of the calmer tracks on the album.

#11 Seventh Heaven

Being highly anticipated as the last song of the album, Seventh Heaven definitely lives up to its potential. This track starts strong with an intense, captivating intro, then transitions into a calmer sound. Halfway through, the song picks up the heaviness and ultimately ends sounding totally different from the first half. The ending circles back to a similar chill vibe as it was originally, concluding this album on a great note.

Photo taken by Unknown

Overall, “There Are No Rival Clones Here” is a very solid album full of spirited, energetic tracks that utilize a lot of punk and folk elements to create a sound unique to Blair Gun. I highly recommend you check out their album to get the full experience. Furthermore, I recommend you attend their show at Soma in San Diego this Saturday, July 6th, to see this talented band in live action.



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